metabolic rate

Combining a metabolic cage (with urine and feces collection) and respirometry: It's easy!

Measuring metabolic rates in a stress free home cage environment is great for the experimental animal, but can't be implemented if quantitative urine and feces collection is also required. Metabolic cages exist that are specially designed for accurate collection of urine and feces, and as this blog post shows, can easily be adapted for metabolic measurement using a Promethion pull-mode metabolic phenotyping system.

The "Deep Data Field System" in Metabolic Phenotyping

Data from a metabolic phenotyping system can be rigidly determined by the parameters entered at the time of the experiment (as with legacy systems), or the data can be a rich mine of information, with complete post-hoc analytical flexibility (as with Promethion). The latter approach allows extraction of experimental data, the need for which was not anticipated at the time of the study. This can save serious amounts of time and money - apart from producing better science.

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